Microservices: A New Approach to Software Development

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards a new approach to software development called microservices. This approach emphasizes building applications as a collection of small, independent services that work together to form a larger system. Unlike traditional monolithic applications, microservices are designed to be modular and flexible, allowing developers to quickly and […]

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Teknologi Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing? pasti banyak dari kita yang sudah sering dengar kata tersebut, atau jika belum pernah dengar, mungkin pernah dengar istilah dalam bahasa Indonesia-nya, yaitu “Komputasi Awan”.  Apakah komputer di awan?  Bukan berarti komputernya ada di awan. Ada banyak sudut pandang untuk menjelaskan apa itu Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing atau komputasi awan merupakan kombinasi pemanfaatan teknologi komputer dengan pengembangan

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